Dr. Rodrigo Andrade , the Director of the Enrichment Core. Dr. Andrade is a Professor in the Wayne State University. Dr. Andrade has a continuous history of R01 funding and NIH service and is an experienced mentor
Dr. Maria Bykhovskaia, the SNRP Director, works together with Dr. Andrade on mentoring faculty and students.
Dr. Vesna Eterovic is a Distinguished Professor in the Biochemistry Department at UCC with expertise in neuroprotection and acetylcholine signaling, who has been actively mentoring UCC faculty for numerous years.
Dr. Richard Hann is a Chair of the Biochemistry Department at the UCC, an outstanding teacher and experienced mentor.
Dr. J. Troy Littleton is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a leader in the field of synaptic transmission and Drosophila neurobiology.